Welcome Note
Welcome to KCACTF Region VII

Welcome to a new year in Region VII. It feels like an eternity since many of us have been in a theatre doing the art we love so much. But things are starting to return to normal as many schools will be inviting audiences back into their theatres. This return will be reflected this fall as the Region will begin in-person responses to shows and a more traditional festival in Spokane February 13-19, 2022. We will continue to improve access to resources and reconfirm our promise to you that KCACTF Region VII will be here to provide instructional tools, technical help, feedback and anything else we can to support you and your programs in creating brilliant theatre experiences. I cannot wait until we can all be in the same room at festival to celebrate all that you have done. So continue to inspire each other and make the best theatre you can!
Ronn Campbell
Chair, Region VII