Acting Auditions
DTM Portfolio Presentations
KCACTF Region 6 and Region 7 are delighted to combine efforts this year to offer auditions to connect students with hiring companies and graduate-level programs. Next Step Auditions strive to bridge the undergraduate experience with graduate education and professional companies. We also seek to align two-year college program graduates with four-year college and university opportunities. Actors, musicians, and technicians may submit videos and digital portfolios to be seen by select companies and programs.
***Submissions are due Pre-festival – February 16, 2024
Audition Videos
- Auditions should be no longer than 2 minutes.
- All video submissions must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo and a link must then be provided with the Submission Form.
- Auditions should include 1 song and 1 monologue or 2 monologues.
- Participants should be fully visible from the knees up in all video submissions.
- Slates may be edited into videos after the fact as long as the audition portion of the video is continuous and uncut. Slate should include full name and pieces.
- The use of exterior microphones is allowed, but not required.
- All audio must be original to the video; audio should not be recorded separately and edited to match the video after the fact.
- Audio manipulation of any kind is forbidden and videos making use of pitch correction or voice effects will not be sent to companies.
Video Labeling
- Title – All videos should be titled as follows: firstname lastname – Next Step Region 7
- All videos must be marked as “Unlisted.”
- Videos should not be designated as “made for children,” as this places restrictions on the video.
All Submissions should include
- A Resume
- Performers- A headshot and video audition.
- Technicians- Digital Portfolio
KCACTF Region 7 Next Step Participating Programs