


Bellevue College Tammis Doyle Acting/Directing tammi.doyle@bellevuecollege.edu
Drama Department Bradetta (Detta) Vines Acting bradetta.vines@bellevuecollege.edu
3000 Landerholm Circle SE Karen Jo Fairbrook Acting kfairbro@bellevuecollege.edu
Bellevue, WA 98007 Laura Peterson Dance
Big Bend Community
Pat Patterson  Music mus@bigbend.edu
7662 Chanute St NE
Moses Lake, WA 98837-3299
Central Washington University Tina Barrigan Chair Design Head/Light Design barrigan@cwu.edu
Department of Theatre Arts Dave Barnett TD/Scene Shop Mgr barnettd@cwu.edu
400 E University Way Natashia Lindsey Literature/History/Literature Natashia.Lindsey@cwu.edu
Ellensburg, WA 98926-7460   Katherine Stahl Movement, acting Katherine.Stahl@cwu.edu
(509)963-1750  Callum Morris Music Director callum.morris@cwu.edu
McKenzie Baird Choreography Mckenzie.baird@cwu.edu
Jerry Dougherty Production Manager dougherj@cwu.edu
Marc Haniuk Scenic Design marc.haniukm@cwu.edu
Emily Rollie Theatre Studies/Education Emily.Rollie@cwu.edu
Lori Lafleur Fiscal Technician II Emily.Rollie@cwu.edu
Mary Makins Secretary MakinsM@cwu.edu
Lirit Pendell Costume Design lirit.pendell@cwu.edu
Scott Robinson Liberal Studies and Film scott.robinson@cwu.edu
Micahel Smith Voice, Acting Smithmi@cwu.edu
Jason Tucholke Sound Design Tucholkej@cwu.edu
Centralia College EMMY KREILKAMP Acting/Directing emmy.kreilkamp@centralia.edu
Dramatic Arts Program Technical Director tpetzold@centralia.edu
600 W Locust
Centralia, WA 98531
Clark College Gene Biby Theatre Instructor gbiby@clark.edu
Theatre Department
1800 E McLaughlin Boulevard
Vancouver, WA 98663
Columbia Basin College Ronn Campbell Design & Technology rcampbell@columbiabasin.edu
Theatre Arts Department
2600 N 20th Avenue
Pasco, WA 99301
(509)547-0511 ext2331
Cornish College of the
Richard White Directing, Theatre Dept Chair rwhite@cornish.edu
Theatre Arts Department Timothy McCuen Piggee Musical theatre/Text Analysis tpiggee@cornish.edu
710 E Roy Samantha Vale Dept. Coordinator svale@cornish.edu
Seattle, WA 98102
(206)726-5042 (Theatre Dept) Sheila Daniels Acting/Directing /Original Works sdaniels@cornish.edu
Performance Production
Denise Martel Department Chair dmartel@cornish.edu
206.726.5044 Ashley Schalow Department Coordinator aschalow@cornish.edu
Melanie Burgess Costume Design MBurgess@cornish.edu
Cornish Playhouse at Seattle Center Pinky Estell Director pestell@cornish.edu
Raisbeck Performance Hall
Eastern Washington
Marvin Smith Chair, Professor msmith@mail.ewu.edu
Theatre Program Dr. Edie Evans Professor eevans@mail.ewu.edu
210 Theatre Donald R. McLaughlin Designer, Technical Director dmclaughlin@mail.ewu.edu
Cheney, WA 99004-2341 Sara E. Goff Assistant Professor sgogg@mail.ewu.edu
(509)359-2459 Susan W. Berger Adjunct Faculty
Patricia Kondas Adjunct Faculty
 Jeff Sanders Adjunct Faculty
Edmonds Community
Acting/ Directing
Drama Program
20000 68th Avenue
Lynnwood, WA 98306
Everett Community
Beth Peterson Acting/ Directing bpeterson@everettcc.edu
2000 Tower Street
Everett, WA 98201
Evergreen State College Mark Harrison
2700 Evergreen Parkway NW Marla Elliot
Olympia, WA 98505
Grays Harbor College Brad Duffy Directing/Lighting bduffy@ghc.edu
Bishop Center for the Performing Arts
1620 Edward P. Smith Drive
Aberdeen, WA 98520
Green River Community
12401 SE 320th Street
Auburn, WA 98902-3699
ext 4277
Gonzaga University Leslie Stamoolis Theatre Program Director, Costume Designer, Assoc. Prof. stamoolis@gonzaga.edu
Theatre Arts Department Suzanne Ostersmith Director; Dance dept ostersmith@gonzaga.edu
AD 24  504 E Boone Avenue Charlie Pepiton Associate Professor pepiton@gonzaga.edu
Spokane, WA 99258-0001 Anshuman Bhatia Production Mgr, Scenic and Lighting Designer bhatia@gonzaga.edu
Pamela Erickson Dance erickson@gonzaga.edu
Charlie Monte Technical Director, Instructor monte@gonzaga.edu
Kim Heide Costume Shop Manager, Instructor Heide@gonzaga.edu
Highline Community
Benjamin Thomas Music/Drama bthomas@highline.edu
Drama Department
M/S 5-1
2400 S. 240th St.
Des Moines, WA 98198
Lower Columbia College
PO Box 3010
Longview, WA 98632
North Seattle Community
Department Head
Theatre Department
9600 College Way
Seattle, WA 98103
Olympic College Timothy Hagan Acting/Directing thagan@olympic.edu
Department of Dramatic Arts
1600 Chester Avenue
Bremerton, WA 98337
Pacific Lutheran
Jeff Clapp Theatre Instructor clappja@plu.edu
Department of Communications &
Katheleen Anderson
12180 Park Ave Tom Smaith
Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 Sarah Sedar
(252)535-7762 Henry loughman
Pierce College Patrick Daugherty Director hpdaugherty@pierce.ctc.edu.
9401 Farwest Drive SW Fred Metzger Director/Design fmetzger@pierce.ctc.edu
Lakewood, WA 98498 Joshua Potter-Dineen Drama JPotter@pierce.ctc.edu
Saint Martin’s College Lauren Wells lwells@stmartin.edu
5300 Pacific Avenue
Lacey, WA 98503
Seattle Pacific
Don Yanik Scenery/Costume zeke@spu.edu
Department of Theatre Dr. George Scranton Acting/Directing/ gascrant@spu.edu
3307 3rd Avenue West Dr. Andrew Ryder Acting/Directing/ aryder@spu.edu
Bobbie Childers Program Coordinator bobbiec@spu.edu
206-281-2008. Kim Gilnett Marketing Associate kgilnett@spu.edu
Seattle University Sarah Mosher Costume Designer msmosher@spu.edu
Drama Division Richard Lorig Theatre Chair rlorig@spu.edu
900 Broadway Scenic
Seattle, WA 98122 Acting
(206)296-5360 Directing
Shoreline Community
Tony Doupe’ Drama and Cinema tdoupe@shoreline.edu
Drama and Cinema
16101 Greenwood Avenue
North Seattle, WA 98133
Skagit Valley College Damond Morris Acting/Directing damond.morris@skagit.edu
2405 East College Way
Mt. Vernon, WA 98273
South Puget Sound
Community College
Lauren Love Program Coordinator llove@spscc.ctc.edu
2011 Mottman Road SW  
Olympia, WA 98512-6292
(360) 754-5411
Spokane Community
Adam Sharp Instructor ASharp@scc.spokane.edu +
1810 N Greene Street MS 2011
Spokane, WA 99207
Spokane Falls Community
Ashley DeMoville Directing/Acting Ashley.DeMoville@sfcc.spokane.edu
3410 W Fort George Wright Drive
Spokane, WA 99204
University of Puget
Geoff Proehl gproehl@pugetsound.edu
Theatre Arts Department John Rindo jrindo@pugetsound.edu
1500 N Warner Street Jacalyn Royce Chair jroyce@pugetsound.edu
Tacoma, WA 98416 Kurt Walls kwalls@pugetsound.edu
University of
Alm, Geoffrey combat training gbald@juno.com
School of Drama Fracé, Jeffrey Suzuki and Viewpoints fracej@u.washington.edu
Box 353950 Hafso, Scott speech and singing shafso@u.washington.edu
Seattle WA 98195 Jenkins, Mark Head of the PATP, acting markcaro@u.washington.edu
206.543.5140 Jory, Jon acting, directing
Madden, Catherine Alexander Technique cathmadden@aol.com
Parker, Shanga K. Head of the BA program, acting, directing shangap@u.washington.edu
Shahn, Judith voice and dialects jshahn@u.washington.edu
Tsao, Andrew acting, directing, acting for the camera tsao@u.washington.edu
Gates, Sarah Nash costume design sngates@u.washington.edu
Korf, Geoff Head of the Design Program, lighting design gkorf@u.washington.edu
Lynch, Thomas scenic design tplynch@u.washington.edu
Morgan, Robert Mark scenic design rmmorgan@u.washington.edu
Smith, Andrew D. lighting design ads7@u.washington.edu
Trout, Deborah costume design dtrout@u.washington.edu
Curtis-Newton, Valerie Head of the Directing Program valcn@u.washington.edu
Blau, Herbert Adjunct Professor in English hblau@u.washington.edu
Bryant-Bertail, Sarah theatre criticism sarahbb@u.washington.edu
Johnson, Odai Head of the PhD Program, theatre history odai@u.washington.edu
Mezur, Katherine theory and criticism kmezur@u.washington.edu
Postlewait, Thomas theatre history postlt@u.washington.edu
Walla Walla University Kristen Taylor Acting kristen.taylor@wallawalla.edu
Department of Communications and Languages Jerry Entze Directing jerry.entze@wallawalla.edu
204 South College Avenue
College Place, WA 99324
Walla Walla Community
Jessica Barkl Directing jessica.barkl@wwcc.edu
Theatre Arts Department Kevin Loomer Design kevin.loomer@wwcc.edu
500 Tausick Way
Walla Walla, WA 99362
(509) 522-2500
Western Washington
Rich Brown Chair Theatre & Dance/Devising Rich.Brown@wwu.edu
Department of Theatre Arts Kamarie Chapman Playwrighting Kamarie.Chapman@wwu.edu
516 High Street Dipu Gupta Scenic Design Dipu.Gupta@wwu.edu
Bellingham, WA 98225 DeLisle Merrillr Costume Design merrild2@wwu.edu
(360)650-3876 Mark Kuntzr Directing Mark.Kuntz@wwu.edu
Darren McCroom Lighting Design Darren.McCroom @wwu.edu
Evan Mueller Acting & Voice Evan.Mueller@wwu.edu
Rachel Sophia Anderson Costume Shop Supervisor Rachel.Anderson@wwu.edu
Marc Mixon Technical Director Mixonm@wwu.edu
Ashley VanCurler Program Coordinator Ashley.vancurler@wwu.edu
Whitman College Renee Archibald Dance Archibre@whitman.edu
Dept of Theatre & Dance Jessica Cerullo Acting Cerullja@whitman.edu
345 Boyer Ave. Peter de Grasse Dance
Walla Walla, WA 99362 Kristen Kosmas Playwrighting & Performance kosmask@whitman.edu
(509)527-5279 Christopher Petit Directing petitc@whitman.edu
Daniel Schindler Scenic Design schinddd@whitman.edu
Robin Waytenick Smasne Costume Design waytenrd@whitman.edu
Nathan Tomsheck Technical Director tomshena@whitman.edu
Whitworth University Aaron Dyszelski Design adyszelski@whitworth.edu
Theatre Department Brooke Kiener Direction and Performance bkiener@whitworth.edu
300 W Hawthorne Rd Diana Trotter Acting/History Theory dtrotter@whitworth.edu
Spokane, WA 99251-0305
Yakima Valley Community
Alicia Bickley Acting/Directing abickley@yvcc.edu
Drama Department Ray Pritchard Design & Tech rpritchard@yvcc.edu
1015 S 16th Avenue
Yakima, WA 98902